My Zelenskyy Shirt – Моя сорочка Зеленського

Thanks to Google Translate for my bilingual title, since I don’t speak Ukrainian. I wish I did. But here’s the next best thing…

This is a summer-weight top I own, and its colour reminds me of the army-green t-shirts Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, often wears in public. So I think of mine as my Zelenskyy shirt.

It makes me think of his courage, his patriotism, his pluckiness in the face of a brutal dictator who wants to swallow up his country, whole if possible, but if not, then in pieces. 😓😣😢

President Zelenskyy greets his troops in person, patting backs, reassuring and empathizing, wearing a bullet-proof vest over an army-green t-shirt, a bit darker than my top shown above.

He also visits with other heads of state, either in their governing chambers or in his own country’s besieged capital city, Kiev, often wearing the same vest and shirt.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy
[Wikipedia bio]

In my humble opinion, President Zelenskyy is a hero. Although a man of small stature, his love for Ukraine stands tall. I hope with all my heart that his country will prevail.

I think of him every time I wear my green shirt.


7 thoughts on “My Zelenskyy Shirt – Моя сорочка Зеленського

  1. I totally agree, Ellie. There are several heroes in politics right now, rolling up their sleeves, working so hard, thinking of their people, collaborating with others, and generally behaving bravely and sensibly. There are also a lot of zeroes.

    Democracy is only as good as its voters, and I fear for the precarious democracies right now … including ours.

    I admire your ever-positive approach, pointing out the good (like this post) and I try to learn from it and not despair.

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