P.S. – Focus Friday #3 / Giveaway Winner Announced!

(Jan. 27, 2017) I won this little contest! Thanks so much to Jessica Baker, whose blog “The Daily Rejection” (Don’t you just love that title, fellow writers?!) featured my winning writing prompt plus Part One of her fabulous story. It’s included here, below. Thanks again, Jessica, in advance, for my prize – the great gift basket you carefully assembled!

Edit: Oh dear! Sadly, I see now that the author of The Daily Rejection blog has taken down her entire site. Therefore my quotes from it were removed too. So sorry! Anyway, I won her contest for “Best Writing Prompt,” which went like this:

When the angel rang the doorbell, Claret was annoyed. He’s early, she thought.

Feel free to use it as the opening sentence of a story, and share it in the comments below if you’re so inclined.